Pricing and terms for booking your adventure with AGI are as follows:

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Specify Trip:

Daily rates for domestic programs: Half day rates:
1 Person $250.00 $150.00
Full on Day, alpine start to twilight finish grade IV and multiple grade III's $350.00
2 People, per person per day $175.00 $90.00
3 People, per person per day $145.00 $60.00

Muti-day rates for domestic programs:
1 Person $350.00
2 People $250.00
3 People $200.00

Daily rates for European programs:
1-4 people skiing 400.00 Euro
1-2 people climbing 400.00 Euro
Half day rates available based on objectives
Plus all expenses incured by guide and guest.

Daily rates for South America and Asia programs:
1 Person $350.00
2 People $250.00
3 People $200.00

Please contact me to customize your adventure to help me quote you a fair and representative price. Travel expenses are forever changing in today’s market and therefore expedition cost must be re-evaluated on a per need basis.

I believe in low ratios for guiding and instructing for your benefit and security. If you have a group larger than 3 people, I can help arrange another IFMGA guide or an AMGA guide certified to the appropriate discipline to join us.

Terms and Conditions:

In addition to the daily rates, clients are responsible for guide’s travel, food, huts, park/permit fees and lift expenses.

Daily rates include an IFMGA guide as well technical and camping equipment. Technical equipment does not include sleeping bags, rock shoes, mountain boots or ski equipment. Inquire about rentals.

Daily rates do not include client’s travel expenses, accommodations, lift passes, porters, animals (for shuttling gear), cooks, guards, over-baggage fees, medical or rescue expenses, added expenses beyond our control, such as but not limited to: road closures, political unrest, illness or weather permitting travel of any kind.

If a program is cancelled before noon the day of, a half-day fee will apply, if cancelled after noon then a full day is charged.

If lifts or transportation are unable to run your payment will be applied to another day.

Booking information:

$500.00 Deposit per person is due at time of booking.
Total payment due 60 days prior to departure date.

Cancellations of 60 or more days prior to departure, A.G.I will charge $100.00 fee and refund the remaining amount.

No refund for cancellation made within 60 days of departure date! If you or I are able to resell your trip space we will refund all but $100.00 of the total amount.

If A.G.I. cancels the trip you can expect a full refund.

Insurance information:

Mountain rescue insurance is required for all European trips and highly recommend for Asia and South America. Please review the following services and contact me with any questions you may have.

Travel insurance is highly recommended for all trips,
see for more details and travel tips.

photo credits: last 4 images Basil Tsimoyianis

Alpine Guides International
Mark Puleio
[email protected]
101 Commonwealth Ave
Hyde Park, VT 05655