Rock Climbing:
If rock climbing does one thing, it surely inspires us to try and try again in its delicate dance with gravity to stay centered, breathe, and seek a solution to attain our next move. Come demystify the rock climbing experience and develop a greater understanding of the physics involved with moving and protecting ourselves in vertical terrain. We can collaborate to customize an ideal experience for you offering instruction in top rope site management and anchor construction, multi-pitch anchoring & efficiency, lead climbing and self-rescue. We can also just go climbing for the day and move over as much stone as you want.
Alpine Guides International SPI Program
I instruct the American Mountain Guides Association's SPI course and assessment. I offer these programs close to home here in Vermont and New Hampshire. The shoulder seasons of May and November are the best times to schedule this course.
Courses will only book when there are 4 – 6 interested and qualified participants.
Please click here to read more or contact me to get more information. |
France, Italy, and Switzerland: June – October
I run trips based out of the Chamonix valley but will climb where weather and conditions are best. Close proximity to Italy and Switzerland gives us outrageous options of the most classic and accessible routes in the world from sport climbing one-pitch routes to multi pitch alpine granite. There are so many amazing rock climbing venues to choose from and details will be worked out once we customize your itinerary to meet your goals and objectives.
See rates page for more info. |
New England: May – June
I offer private guiding and/or instruction at many of Vermont’s beautiful crags as well as the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Whether it’s a day of moving over a thousand odd feet of vertical terrain at Whitehorse and Cathedral Ledges, climbing through the big wall section on Cannon cliff or cragging at top rope sites hidden amongst the sublime Green Mountain range, I can make it happen for you.
See rates page for more info. |
Red Rocks, Nevada: April – May or September – October
Vegas Baby, let’s go, superb sunny sandstone walls with hand holds whenever you need them by day and the whimsical strip by night. Come string together some amazing grade IV classics like; Epinephrine, Black Orpheus, Inti Wintana, Rainbow Buttress and Crimson Chrysalis just to name a few. These big days can be lead to sleeping in and sport climbing for “rest” in the afternoons. This is the land of long traditional moderates as well as amazingly featured sport climbing. Come with AGI to explore the wonders of this unique basin and range landscape from high on sunny sandstone face.
See rates page for more info. |